Career Education
Career Education at Winmalee High School provides opportunities for students to develop the skills needed to make informed career choices. Career Education assists students in the transition from school into tertiary education, further study and/or the workforce. Students explore and gain awareness of all possibilities, as we focus on individual aspiration and potential.
Students work to set goals and seek further information. Specific activities ensure students are prepared for the steps they are required to take in their future direction.
Work experience is strongly encouraged and flexibly organised. Its purpose is to gain first-hand understanding of the world of work and the requirements of individual interest, and the development of a work readiness mindset. Industry mentorship comprises a large component of the work experience approach where students have the opportunity to work alongside industry specialists and tap into their experiences and knowledge.
Year 10 students participate in timetabled careers lessons. In these lessons, they complete Personal Interest and Strength Inventories, Individual Training Plans, Resume Writing and Selection Criteria, and points for a cover letter. Topics addressed include Subject Selection for HSC, Leadership Behaviours and Pathway Choices, Tertiary Entrance requirements and the continuance of further education and life-long learning.
Year 11 and 12 students participate in specific workshops and seminars, information days, exit interviews and early entry and scholarship preparation. Individualised consultations are arranged through the Careers Adviser. An open door policy facilitates careers advice for individual students on a case by case level.
Winmalee High School Careers Page Google Classroom code
Google Classroom codes for Careers classes
10car1 - wubga2n
10car2 - tiursmu
10car3 - fvp3zwu
10car4 - 4ulf2hz
10car5 - 5nw3h55