Winmalee High School

A positive education and positive behaviour for learning school

Telephone02 4754 2822


Students in library sitting at desks listening to speaker talking about the Construction industry

Career Education

Career Education at Winmalee High School provides opportunities for students to develop the skills needed to make informed career choices. Career Education assists students in the transition from school into tertiary education, further study and/or the workforce. Students explore and gain awareness of all possibilities, as we focus on individual aspiration and potential.

Students work to set goals and seek further information. Specific activities ensure students are prepared for the steps they are required to take in their future direction.

Work experience is strongly encouraged and flexibly organised. Its purpose is to gain first-hand understanding of the world of work and the requirements of individual interest, and the development of a work readiness mindset. Industry mentorship comprises a large component of the work experience approach where students have the opportunity to work alongside industry specialists and tap into their experiences and knowledge.

Year 10 students participate in timetabled careers lessons. In these lessons, they complete Personal Interest and Strength Inventories, Individual Training Plans, Resume Writing and Selection Criteria, and points for a cover letter. Topics addressed include Subject Selection for HSC, Leadership Behaviours and Pathway Choices, Tertiary Entrance requirements and the continuance of further education and life-long learning.

Year 11 and 12 students participate in specific workshops and seminars, information days, exit interviews and early entry and scholarship preparation. Individualised consultations are arranged through the Careers Adviser. An open door policy facilitates careers advice for individual students on a case by case level.

Winmalee High School Careers Page Google Classroom code


Google Classroom codes for Careers classes

10car1 - wubga2n
10car2 - tiursmu
10car3 - fvp3zwu
10car4 - 4ulf2hz
10car5 - 5nw3h55

The school offers preparation and guidance to all tertiary education facilities; universities, colleges and TAFE (Technical and Further Education) colleges.

Students are encouraged to apply to all Early Entry and Scholarship /Cadetship programs, and nominate for the Schools Recommendation Entry Scheme. These are widely advertised at school as they become available. Visits by Universities and to University open days are advertised and interested students are encouraged to attend. Some universities provide buses to transport interested students.

Universities Admissions Centre

Schools Recommendation Scheme Application Guide 2024 - 2025 (PDF 379 KB)

Equity Scholarship Application Guide (PDF 815 KB)

Educational Access Scheme Application Guide (PDF 945 KB)


Winmalee High School offers Hospitality as a VET course. 

This course is taught at school by Winmalee High School industry-accredited teachers. VET courses allow students to gain a thorough understanding and practical experience through the completion of competencies leading to the attainment of Certificate II in their area of study. These courses are traditionally offered to Year 11 and 12 students.

Students end up with a dual accreditation - Hospitality counts as two units of study towards the HSC and may contribute towards an ATAR as well as being recognised as an industry qualification of a Certificate II in Hospitality. 

See our Vocational Education and Training (VET) - Hospitality page.

TVET courses are courses offered by the Technology and Further Education (TAFE) sector. They are 'dual accredited' courses – meaning they can count as units of study towards both the HSC and are a nationally recognised Vocational Education and Training (VET) qualification at a variety of certificate levels depending on the length of the course.

TVET Guide 2025 (PDF 4.9 MB)
TAFE Digital Course List 2025 (PDF 4 MB)
TVET Western Sydney Course List 2025 (PDF 3.8 MB)
TVET Western Sydney Vacancy List for 2025 as at 27 November 2024 (PDF 82.7 KB)
TVET Sydney Region Vacancy List as of 10 December 2024 (PDF 134 KB)

The TVET program gives Year 11 and Year 12 school students the opportunity to study TAFE courses which contribute units to their HSC. Students must sit an examination for their course in order for it to count toward an ATAR. Small course offerings can be made to Year 10 students which contribute to their Stage 5 ROSA. These courses articulate into further TAFE courses studied at higher levels. They can be used to work to qualify students for university entrance or skilled trade positions in the workplace.

To enrol in these courses you will need to speak to the Careers Adviser and submit an expression of interest form by August of the year before you intend to study. eg Year 10 student in 2024 to submit by August to enrol for 2025. 

EVET Funded Program EOI Form 2025 (PDF 459 KB)

Academy of Interactive Entertainment certificate courses (PDF 601 KB)
Australian Academy of Media EVET Course Prospectus 2025 (PDF 4.5 MB)
NSW Health Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance (PDF 321 KB)
Whitehouse Institute of Design Certificate III in Design Fundamentals (PDF 916 KB)
Wyndham College VET Courses Opportunity (PDF 83 KB)



SBATs provide students with the opportunity to attain a nationally recognised Vocational Education and Training (VET) qualification as well as their Higher School Certificate (HSC) at the same time they undertake one day a week in the workplace, gaining valuable work skills and experience through paid employment.

School Based Apprenticeships allow students to complete Years 11 and 12 at the same time as completing the first year of their trade qualification/apprenticeship.

Opportunities must be discussed and logged with Winmalee High School’s Careers Adviser before the Pathway can commence. You can also go to School-based apprenticeships and traineeships to find out more. 

A School Based Apprenticeship/Traineeship can only begin during Year 10 or within the first term of Year 11. Students must be deemed suitable to pursue this pathway before approval will be given by the Principal.

School Based Apprenticeship Guidelines (PDF 774 KB)

Stages of a School Based Apprenticeship or Traineeship (147 KB)


At Winmalee High School students aged 14 and over are provided with the opportunity to undertake work experience. The timing is flexible and depends upon the availability of suitable employers, the best time for the employer to support a work experience student and the capacity of students to find an employer to meet their employment interests and needs.

Students typically go on flexible Work Experience for one week during Year 10. Students seek out their own work experience employer and placement, often with the help of parents or the school Careers Adviser.

Work Experience provides many benefits, giving students the opportunity to develop skills and experience that may allow them to stand out to potential employers as well as helping them to choose the right sector in which to pursue work according to interest and aptitude.

A Case Management approach to Work Experience is used to support students from other years, typically Year 9, 11 and 12 who are interested or suited to a pathway to work. Students may apply for work experience if they can demonstrate a particular requirement that may advance their work, career or study opportunities. The Learning Hub can also assist students with special needs to find Work Experience. This is open to all students aged 14 and up. 

Please speak with the Careers Adviser for further information, advice, options and the required application forms including travel and overnight stays. 

See our Work Experience page for more information.

JobJump offers career videos, eWork Experience projects, senior subject advice, resume writing, tertiary courses and job listings in over 120 career areas. JobJump also sends out notices and emails based on your selected career interests.

- Find the latest Careers News personalised to student’s interest
- Gain access to quickly find information to help with career choices and quizzes
- Information regarding study options and courses from various learning institutions
- ATAR information
- resume template and interview advice

1.     Go to JobJump at

2.      Click on I’m new button on the top right-hand side.

3.      Type in Winmalee High School in the drop menu of schools and click it to select our school.

4.      Type in “bobcats” as our school password (all lower case). This will automatically take you to the registration of your personal details.

5.      Fill in your personal email address (this will grant you access to this website in Year 13, post school) and add other personal details as ‘student’.

6.      Finally complete the steps of choosing your career fields or interest, etc.  Here you can click as many “careers” as you like/ that you are interested in. You will receive news relevant to these selected career choices. (If you don’t know what career you are interested in, this website has videos you can explore to learn about different careers.)

**Parents/Carers/Guardians can also join by completing the same steps but choosing ‘parent’ instead of ‘student’ in the personal details section.

Job Jump Parent Registration Flyer (PDF 168 KB)

Job Jump Newsletters Term 1 Week 6 2025


Subject Careers News: