A competition was organised to put forward a distinctive name for the suburb. A local resident suggested the name Winmalee, an aboriginal word for ‘to the north’. This name was accepted. Winmalee High School was established in 1985 with the first intake of Year 7 students. Since then it has grown to be a large comprehensive high school.
Students have a major role in school decision making in relation to student needs, expectations and working with other students in programs such as peer reading and tutoring, peer support and student mentorship. Our SRC has been very active in supporting charities and social justice issues including anti-bullying and acceptance of diversity. The decision to support particular interests and community groups is made independently by the students.
The school has a large team of committed teaching and non-teaching staff who have a high level of experience and love their school.
Winmalee High School is a community school with many special qualities. The positive relationships between teachers and students is a distinctive feature of the school. The school provides stimulating and challenging courses which students find highly relevant to their needs. Discipline is firm and is based on mutual respect.
Our teachers and administrative staff are committed to the all round success of our school in ensuring our students gain from the comprehensive education offered by the school. They go above and beyond in terms of the time they give outside the classroom to ensure that rich opportunities are available to our students in leadership, cultural, welfare, visual, creative and performing arts as well as sport programs.
The school community continues to demonstrate its confidence in the quality of educational opportunity offered at Winmalee High expressed by the high level of interest for places in Year 7. Feedback from our community shows that they strongly support our stance setting high standards regarding behaviour expectations of being safe, respectful learners which promote and recognise positive behaviour resulting in more time on task in class.
The school community values the strong connection evident between students and teachers who work together to ensure the focus remains on quality teaching and learning for all students. The school's motto of Strive to Achieve reflects this focus.