Winmalee High School

A positive education and positive behaviour for learning school

Telephone02 4754 2822

Library resource centre

Supporting students - library


The WHS library is a vital and vibrant learning centre.

The library fosters a warm, supportive learning environment catering to the teaching and learning needs of staff and students. As such, the school library is an integral and valuable resource for all teaching and learning at Winmalee High School.

With a strong emphasis on literacy and research skills, the library works to support student learning and achievement across all subject areas. This is achieved by inspiring students’ critical analysis of information and synthesis of new knowledge through discerning research skills to produce coherent understanding.

Students using computers in the school library

The library aims to inspire students’ critical and creative thinking. Housing 26000+ resources – print and multimedia - the library embraces digital technologies as an information source and tool for teaching and learning. With 60+ network computers, wireless support for laptops, Kindles and mobile interactive whiteboards, this dynamic learning centre has the flexibility to provide simultaneously seven distinct teaching and learning spaces.

The library also houses Computers on Wheels (COWS) to support students in their classroom learning. E-books are also available to library users. 

Our library fluidly adapts to the diverse needs of our school community with both flexibility of space and resources, ensuring that our students are engaged, focused learners. It is truly an environment that supports, enhances and nurtures communication and collaborative learning.