Winmalee High School uses the Sentral Parent Portal and Sentral for Parents app, available from the Apple App Store or on Google Play.
Parents and carers of families who are new to the school will be emailed a letter which contains a personal Access Key to access your child’s information. If your child lives between two households, each individual parent can receive their own Access Key. If there is an additional parent who does need access, or you require a new key, please contact the front office on 4754 2822 or email to obtain an additional, separate Access Key.
Within the Sentral for Parents App you will have access to your child's attendance information with the capacity to view and explain full day absences. You will also be able to view their timetable, the school calendar, daily notices and school reports.
If your child is absent or late you will still receive a daily absence text message. Please reply to your text notification including student's name & reason for absence.
The app is not required to use the Parent Portal on a computer/phone or tablet and can be accessed via Parents/Carers must use a valid email address to create a username. Once successfully registered you will be prompted to enter your username (email address) and the password you created. To see information from the school and to link to your enrolled children, enter the Access Key sent in a separate email. Please note that each key can only be used by one user.
Written notes, emails with 'attention Student Services' in the subject line and phone calls - 4754 2822 - are also acceptable ways to explain your child's absence.
Please contact the school if there has been a change to your mobile contact number.