Winmalee High School

A positive education and positive behaviour for learning school

Telephone02 4754 2822



Sports Program

At Winmalee High school we offer a range of different sporting options to support the needs and interests of our students. These include our Wednesday afternoon sport options for years 9-10, integrated sport for years 7-8, participating in sporting carnivals, and both individual and team representative sport.

Wednesday afternoon sport

Our Wednesday afternoon sport gives students a wide variety of choice each term to suit them. These options include: representing the school in a grade competition which is conducted against local high schools in the Blue Mountains and Penrith areas. Other choices include our recreational and leisure sporting options. These activities require students to travel to various places to participate in non-competitive sporting activities such as rock climbing and ice skating.

Our expectations for participation in sport emphasises:

  • safety for all students
  • positive representation of our school in the community
  • participation and enjoyment
  • regular attendance
  • procedures followed for leaving early.

Please see ‘Sport at Winmalee High School’ (PDF 275 KB) for more details about uniform and procedures for leaving early.

See Wednesday Sport Choice Information (PDF 166 KB) to find out more about Grade Sport obligations in Netball, Girls Soccer, Frisbee/Vortex, Boys Soccer, Basketball, Touch, Oztag, Volleyball and Futsal. 

Sports Carnivals

At Winmalee High School we participate in a variety of sporting carnivals where we see a great amount of success. These include Swimming, Cross Country and Athletics. Students are encouraged to attend our school level carnivals where we see many of our students progress through to the Nepean Zone, Sydney West, Combined High Schools and the Australian All Schools levels.

Once a year our Year 7 students are given the opportunity to attend a sporting gala day which sees students compete in their chosen sport against other schools in the Nepean Zone area. For this day we also enlist the help of our Year 10 elective PASS students to help with the refereeing and coaching of these teams as part of the coaching components of their course.

Representative sport

Students at Winmalee High have the opportunity to participate in a range of school-based representative sports. These opportunities allow students to progress further in their specialised sport where they have the opportunity to participate at a school level, Nepean Zone, Sydney West and Combined High Schools (CHS) level. Winmalee High School sees students compete in over 25 different sports with a large number of successful outcomes in the areas of basketball, netball, water polo, soccer and cricket. Many of these teams have seen success at the Sydney West and CHS level along with many of our students competing individually where they are selected into Nepean Zone, Sydney West and CHS teams.

Students are also given the opportunity to be a part of the Winmalee High School Ski Racing Team which see a large number of students attend the annual NSW skiing championships. This event allows students the opportunity to represent the school and compete in six disciplines on skis and snowboards against schools from the Central Coast, Central West, Hills District, Hunter, Illawarra, New England, North Coast, Northern Beaches, Northern Suburbs, South-Western Sydney, Southern Highlands, Southern Sydney, Upper North Shore, Western Sydney, QLD, and International.