Winmalee Wasps Taekwondo Team
The Winmalee Wasps is Winmalee High School’s Sports Taekwondo Team. The Wasps team is a mixed (males and females) team and consists of students from Year 7 through to Year 12. The team trains with the specific purpose of entering the NSW All Schools Taekwondo Championships which is usually held in early September. Students that competed in the last thirteen years all received either Gold, Silver or Bronze medals.
Winmalee High School won the 2009 State Championship based on average team points and just missed out on the team trophy in 2010 coming second. The team came third in the State in 2011 and again won the Team Averages Championship Trophy in 2012. The team came third in the state in 2013. In 2014 the Wasps Team increased their overall points score and achieved third place in the total points score trophy for senior schools and fourth place in the team averages trophy. In 2015 the Wasps Team, of 13 players, again excelled and achieved third place in NSW for the senior schools' total points score trophy as well as third place in the team averages trophy. The Winmalee Wasps 2016 team, of 18 players, came first in the state for the team averages trophy and second in the state for the senior schools' total points trophy. In 2017 the team had 15 students compete in the tournament, out of 24 students that have trained with the team for most of the year, and the team was placed second in both the overall points score trophy and in the team average points trophy. In 2018 the team came second in the state for both the girls and boys team members. Although the dedicated team members continued training during 2019, 2020 and 2021, the NSW All Schools State Championships was unfortunately cancelled due to COVID-19 restrictions. Meanwhile the team has continued their training in 2022.
Although there is currently no cost for training with the team at school, there are some costs associated with the purchase of personal protective equipment, Taekwondo uniform, entry fee for the NSW All School’s Tournament and a grading fee (if required). Students do need to be graded in Taekwondo. Students that are not graded in Taekwondo as yet will be trained in traditional taekwondo techniques by Mr Verstegen and a grading opportunity will be arranged at the end of Terms 1 and 2. The grading will be conducted by Master Andrew Johnston. Master Andrew Johnston is a 7th Dan internationally recognised Taekwondo examiner and owner of Wolves Martial Arts.
The team training is on after school from 3.00 pm to 4.00 pm at school (generally one or two days per week) and some lunchtimes closer to the main event. Students are trained in sports taekwondo tournament rules, court craft and advanced sparring techniques. Training is strictly controlled with the safety of students in mind. Students only spar against students with like size, weight and ability. All tournaments are controlled and students only compete against other students of the same gender, belt level, size, weight and age.
As Taekwondo is a contact sport – World Taekwondo approved guards are used during training and tournaments. Students are required to bring their own personal equipment (taekwondo pants as well as; arm, leg, groin and mouth guards as a minimum) to all training sessions – students can leave their equipment with Mr Verstegen during the day on training days. Students that do not yet have the correct guards can join the team for initial training and will be given the opportunity to buy the required protective equipment.
Mr Verstegen, the team’s coach, is an Australian Taekwondo accredited Level 1 coach and a 5th Dan Taekwondo Head Instructor and Educational Advisor for Wolves Martial Arts outside of the school. He has had over 20 years’ experience in martial arts and is also a 1st Dan Black Belt in Haidong Gumdo (Korean Sword). He is also trained in Senior First Aid.